“CITIZEN OF THE WORLD” international project presentation.

Public diplomacy formation in the modern world.

Project territory: Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra. Papua New Guinea: Port Moresby, Madang. Russia: Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod region.


17 July 1846 – 14 April 1888

In 1996, to celebrate his 150th anniversary, UNESCO awarded him with the title of “Citizen of the World”. Miklouho-Maclay promoted respect for the traditions and culture of the world’s peoples, as well as the principles of tolerance and non-interference. Using the example of the then poorly studied peoples of New Guinea, he was the first to prove that all the people are equal by nature and there are no superior and inferior races. His work as that of a public figure has been recognized globally.

Project social importance:

The project promotes the humanistic principles of respect for the diverse cultures of the peoples of the world, on the basis of which homo sapiens develop. The unity of different peoples’ values provides with an opportunity for dialogue and constructive development in the cultural, scientific and humanitarian spheres. The project audience, from the youth to the older generation, without country dependence, will be able to be involved in the project due to the people’s interest in the travelling described in the documentary. The film is a motive for dialogue between people of different cultures, united by the common idea of humanism. It also gives the opportunity to establish a long-term cultural relationship.

Project objectives:

Making the film 90 min

The film screening, a dialogue with the audience on the topic: who is the “Citizen of the world” today?

The film TV channels broadcast

Journalistic activity


“CITIZEN OF THE WORLD”  movie trailer  (EN)

International review with Yevgeny Primakov. Expedition 2017 results.

Project brief description (project activities):

The international project “CITIZEN of the WORLD” aims to establish regular cultural, humanitarian and scientific relations between the peoples of Russia, Papua New Guinea and Australia; to educate the masses with the spirit of the humanistic ideas of the great Russian traveler and researcher Nikolay Miklouho-Maclay, the basis of which is the principles of tolerance, non-interference and respect for the traditions and cultures of different peoples. These provisions are the basis of public diplomacy, the example of which in this region was our compatriot. In 1996, in honor of the 150th anniversary of his birth, UNESCO awarded him with the title of “Citizen of the World” for the ideas of humanism, which he promoted in XIX century and which are still relevant. By the example of the then little-known peoples of New Guinea, our compatriot proved to the whole world that all people are equal by nature and there are no superior or inferior races. Lev Tolstoy admired the great traveler’s activity: “What attracts and fascinates me in your work is the fact that, as far as I am concerned, you are the first to have proven decisively, by experience, that a man is a man everywhere, i.e. a kind and sociable being, the relationship with whom should be provided with goodness and truth only, not with guns and vodka”. Without a comprehensive long-term effort to build a credible reputation, the dissemination of information about this large-scale project will be ineffective. Therefore, it was decided to make a documentary film “The Man from the Moon” of 90 minutes in Russian and English, using archive materials, diary entries and materials of the research expedition in 2017. Based on the expedition experience, additional filming will be made in Papua New Guinea and Australia in 2018-2019. Russian and Australian TV channels will broadcast the film, as well as it will be displayed at the universities of Papua New Guinea. Another project activity is the film screening in the cities of Australia and Papua New Guinea with the participation of Nickolay Miklouho-Maclay, the project author, the descendant and full namesake of the great traveler. This will enable a direct dialogue with all the participants of the events, with our compatriots. The project will include video conferences Russia-Australia and Russia-Papua New Guinea with the topic of discussion “who is the “Citizen of the World” today?” These cultural events will provide feedback from the foreign public, involve our compatriots abroad in the project, establish a relationship for further regular dialogue. Comprehending the position of the local people of Papua New Guinea and Australia will allow us to develop a program for further cultural and scientific exchange. It is important, that from the very beginning the English-speaking audience will be informed of the project through the articles about the principles of humanism in modern life published on the website and in a magazine in English.